Monday, July 15, 2024

Playing with Curvy Log Cabins

Curvy log cabin blocks have intrigued me since I saw a quilt made with them at a quilt show several years ago. I have played with a few designs in EQ over the last couple of years, but never got around to actually sewing any curvy log cabins until this month.  

Aren't these cute?  I chain sewed 8 blocks with a sew and trim method rather than individually cutting the logs. I thought it would be faster this way, and I think it was, but I can see how inaccuracy could creep in if you aren't careful.  I'm still on the fence about the best way to make these.

I had fun trying different layouts on the design wall.  Unlike traditional log cabins where all the logs are the same width, curvy log cabins have thinner logs on two sides, resulting in a curved effect where light meets dark.  That opens up curvy design options.

The wave is pretty subtle here.

This is a bit more obvious.

How about some huge petals?

Looking for something a bit more compact:

You can't get much curvier than a circle.

As much fun as I have trying out different ideas in my EQ designs software, it was refreshing to try out designs in actual fabric and thread.  I have the makings of a quilt on the design wall right now, and it doesn't resemble any of the designs I had sitting in my EQ files the last couple of years.  I really like where it's headed, and I'm not sure I want to relegate the design to the back of my red scrappy Half and Half quilt as I originally planned. I think I may be making The Accidental Quilt #2. (You can read about the first Accidental Quilt here.)

How do you feel about log cabin blocks?  Like them?  Loathe them?  Like the look but not the work?  Let me know in the comments.

Happy quilting,


Monday, July 1, 2024

Celebrating Canada Day with Quilts

Happy Canada Day!  

Pattern: 150 by Canuck Quilter Designs
Made for Canada's 150th anniversary in 2017
using Northcott's 2017 Oh Canada collection

I hope all my Canadian friends are enjoying a lovely summer celebration to mark Canada's 157th birthday. It's a little quiet here in Iowa (they'll be celebrating their own holiday on Thursday) and it's cold and rainy.  What's a Canadian quilter over here to do?

Well, pulling out some red and white quilts is a good start.  For a little bit of Canada, I pulled out the quilt I made for Canada's 150th anniversary in 2017, pictured above.  Still love this one!

This runner is going on the table for supper tonight.

Scrappy Prairie Point runner

I had planned in turning these fabrics into new placemats in time for today, but I got sick.  I'm on the mend, but in the lingering cough stage of the cold, so energy is pretty much non-existent. There's always next year....

Don't you love that deep red maple leaf print in back?

Playing around in EQ recoloring designs with fabrics from Northcott's Oh Canada collections takes less energy than sewing so that's what I've been doing instead.  Here's what I've come up with so far.  Enjoy!

Flipped Placemats
This is what I'll be making with the fabrics I shared above.

The Flipped set is a quick project.  It uses stitch-and-flip for all the angles, and the runner is made with large bonus HST leftover from making the placemats.

When I'm in British Columbia later this summer, I'll be scouring quilt shops for more red maple leaf fabrics to bring back to make this version of Blaze.

Blaze by Canuck Quilter Designs

I could make it with assorted reds if I don't find the maple leaf fabrics.  I just think it would be a nice companion quilt to my 150th quilt.

How about another placemat choice?  This is Echo Point.

Echo Point by Canuck Quilter Designs

Or about adding a maple leaf in the center of the runner?  Hold on while I start EQ again.  

Here we go:

Yes, I like that!

I mocked up Leafy Pathways too.  I mocked it up in Northcott's Oh Canada, but I think red and white scraps would work really well for this one.  I wonder if I have enough variety left after making my red and white Half-and Half?

Leafy Pathways by Canuck Quilter Designs

Well, that was fun!  Lots of possibilities for when I stop coughing and start sewing!

What are you up to today?

Happy quiting,